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Netflix's 'What We Watched' Report Sparks Industry Debate

While the data release is praised for its transparency, concerns about lack of real-time data and third-party verification persist.

  • Netflix recently released its first-ever 'What We Watched' report, a comprehensive look at hours viewed of Netflix titles, covering a six-month period from January to June 2023.
  • The report has been praised for its transparency, but advertisers and industry experts have mixed feelings, citing a lack of third-party verification and real-time data.
  • The data release could provide key context for creators and producers, as it shows how titles compare to one another beyond the weekly top 10 lists.
  • Despite the push for transparency, Netflix's competitors are unlikely to follow suit due to concerns about revealing their smaller audiences and potential impact on stock prices.
  • Netflix's data release comes amid a broader industry shift towards transparency, following strikes by Hollywood writers and actors demanding more data transparency.
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