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National Abortion Rate Rises Despite Overturning of Roe v. Wade: Studies

Despite Roe v. Wade reversal, data suggests national abortion rates have slightly increased due two separate studies; largest increases were observed in states where abortion access is still guaranteed as requests for abortion pills rise significantly.

  • Following the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade, national abortion rates have seen a slight upswing, challenging the belief that restrictions would lead to a decrease.
  • Two separate studies from the Guttmacher Institute and WeCount report that abortion rates have remained steady or even increased post-Dobbs, contradicting conventional expectations.
  • Significant increases in abortions have been seen in states that continue to provide access to the procedure as well as regions bordering areas where it's been banned.
  • There has been a substantial rise in requests for abortion pills, indicating a shift in the modes of access to abortions despite legal constraints.
  • Efforts to ban or restrict travel related to abortions could potentially fail constitutional muster as they would challenge the recognized right to travel.
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