Natalie Portman Open to Reprising Star Wars Role Despite Never Receiving Official Offer to Return
- Natalie Portman said she would be open to returning to the Star Wars franchise to reprise her role as Padmé Amidala.
- Portman played Padmé Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy but her character was killed off in Revenge of the Sith.
- Portman has not received an official offer to return to the Star Wars franchise despite characters often being brought back from the dead in the franchise.
- Taika Waititi, who directed Portman in Thor: Love and Thunder, forgot Portman was in Star Wars and asked if she wanted to be in his upcoming Star Wars film.
- Waititi's Star Wars film aims to expand the universe and focus on new characters rather than core franchise characters like Portman's Padmé Amidala.