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NASA Task Force Calls For Improved Data Collection To Solve Mystery of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

  • NASA recently formed an independent study team to examine unclassified data on unidentified aerial phenomena with the goal of determining their nature and origins.
  • The 16-member panel held their first public meeting this week to discuss their preliminary findings and next steps before releasing their final report at the end of July.
  • The panel determined that the majority of reported UAP sightings end up having logical, scientific explanations, but better data is needed to fully understand the small percentage of truly unexplained cases.
  • Harassment and online abuse targeting the panel members poses a challenge and stigma around seriously investigating UFOs, according to NASA officials.
  • The Pentagon is also investigating over 800 reported UAP cases, but estimates only 2 to 5 percent remain unexplained after evaluation.
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