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NASA Highlights July's Celestial Events: Planetary Alignments and Star Clusters

Skywatchers can enjoy a parade of planets, including Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter, along with stunning star clusters in Scorpius.

  • Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter will be visible throughout July, with notable alignments involving the crescent moon.
  • Mercury can be spotted near a slim crescent moon on the evenings of July 7 and 8, shortly after sunset.
  • The star clusters M6 and M7 in the Scorpius constellation are prominent features this month, best viewed around 10 or 11 pm.
  • On July 13, the moon will appear close to the bright star Spica, creating an occultation event visible in parts of the U.S. and Mexico.
  • Binoculars can help locate Uranus, which will be near Mars in the early morning sky mid-month.
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