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NASA Detects Stadium-Sized Asteroid's Close Flyby

The asteroid 2008 OS7, approximately 500 to 650 feet wide, passed Earth at a safe distance of 1.8 million miles on February 2, 2024.

  • NASA's radar system captured detailed images of the asteroid 2008 OS7 as it passed by Earth.
  • The asteroid, initially estimated to be between 650 and 1,640 feet wide, has been revised to approximately 500 to 650 feet.
  • 2008 OS7 rotates at a slow rate, completing one rotation every 29.5 hours.
  • Classified as 'potentially hazardous' due to its size and proximity, the asteroid poses no direct threat to Earth.
  • The asteroid will not come this close to Earth again for another 200 years.
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