March 18 Connections Puzzle Challenges Players With Plural and Language Themes
The popular New York Times game features nuanced categories including German words and plural forms with unique patterns.
- The March 18 Connections puzzle includes four categories: Exceptional, German Words, Plural Animals Identical to Their Singular Forms, and Plural Words That Are Very Different From Their Singular Forms.
- Players must group 16 words into these categories, with the words including Kinder, Dice, Singular, Die, Oxen, Special, and others.
- The answers for the categories are: Exceptional (Remarkable, Singular, Special, Unique), German Words (Angst, Die, Kinder, Wurst), Plural Animals (Deer, Sheep, Shrimp, Squid), and Plural Words (Dice, Lice, Mice, Oxen).
- The game assigns difficulty levels to categories, with Yellow being the easiest, followed by Green, Blue, and Purple as the hardest.
- Connections, developed by Wyna Liu, continues to evolve based on player feedback and remains a popular offering alongside Wordle and Spelling Bee.