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Magistrates Call for Overhaul of 'Secretive' Single Justice Procedure

A push for greater transparency and fairness in minor offence prosecutions has been initiated by the Magistrates’ Association, highlighting concerns over vulnerable individuals being unfairly convicted.

  • The Magistrates’ Association demands an end to prosecutions for minor offences like speeding and TV licence fee evasion under the secretive Single Justice Procedure.
  • A 12-point plan proposed by the association aims to open up the process to accredited journalists and increase transparency by publishing prosecution data.
  • Up to 40,000 cases a month are decided privately, often leaving defendants without legal representation or the opportunity to plead.
  • Incidents of vulnerable individuals, including the elderly and those with dementia, being unfairly convicted have been highlighted.
  • The Association calls for reforms including a public interest check by prosecutors and improved training for magistrates to restore public confidence.
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