LeVar Burton Discovers White Confederate Ancestor on 'Finding Your Roots'
The revelation sparks conversations about race and identity, with Burton seeing it as an opportunity to engage with white America.
- LeVar Burton, known for his roles in 'Roots' and 'Reading Rainbow', discovered on PBS's 'Finding Your Roots' that his great-great-grandfather was a white Confederate soldier named James Henry Dixon.
- Dixon fathered a child with a Black woman who was born into slavery, making Burton's great-grandmother half-white.
- Burton expressed surprise and conflict at the revelation, but also saw it as an opportunity to open dialogue about America's racial history.
- On his father's side, Burton learned that his grandfather and great-grandfather were both school superintendents, affirming his inherited passion for education.
- Burton's discovery has sparked conversations about race, heritage, and identity, and he hopes to use this as an 'entry point' to talk to white America.