Legal Efforts to Keep Trump Off 2024 Ballot Under 14th Amendment Dismissed in Minnesota; Cases Pending in Michigan, Colorado
Rulings Ensure Trump's Eligibility Battle for 2024 Bid will Continue; Appeal Could Land in Supreme Court as Cases Highlight Constitution's 14th Amendment 'Insurrectionist Ban'.
- Legal efforts to keep former President Donald Trump from appearing on the 2024 election ballots under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution were dismissed by the Minnesota Supreme Court, but similar lawsuits are still pending in Michigan and Colorado.
- The Minnesota Supreme Court concluded that state law does not prevent a major political party from nominating an allegedly ineligible candidate, but left open the possibility of other legal challenges during the general election.
- The ongoing lawsuits were initiated by nonprofits which argue that Trump, having allegedly participated in an insurrection against the United States, is constitutionally ineligible for federal office based on Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
- Regardless of the outcomes in Colorado and Michigan, the rulings are expected to be appealed, potentially leading to the U.S. Supreme Court which would have to clarify the scope and application of the Fourteenth Amendment's 'Insurrectionist Ban'.
- Opponents of the lawsuits argue that removing Trump from the ballot would contradict democratic principles, since it would deprive voters of the ability to elect their preferred candidate.