Legal Abortions Increase Nationwide Despite State Bans Following Dobbs Decision
Abortion access expanded in states where allowed, with total numbers slightly up post-Dobbs; however, restricted access compels many women to seek alternative methods or endure long-distance travel.
- Despite the end of Roe v. Wade, access to abortion has increased in states where it remains legal. This is a result of efforts by abortion providers and activists to meet demands of women, including those traveling from states with bans.
- Post-Dobbs decision, the average number of abortions per month rose slightly from 82,115 to 82,298. This data includes 83 percent of known providers, with researchers estimating the remainder based on historical trends and state data.
- The increased demand and access to abortion are driven by expanding telemedicine for mail-order abortion pills, accessible options for women to travel, and increased publicity about obtaining abortions.
- Massive increases in legal abortions were recorded in states bordering those with bans; New Mexico saw a 61 percent increase, Illinois had a 33 percent rise while Florida, which only allows abortions after 15 weeks, witnessed a 28 percent increase in abortions.
- Regardless of expanded access, many women, particularly the poor, teenagers, immigrants, those with young children or inflexible jobs, faced profound barriers to access. Some of these women turned to methods outside the U.S medical system or carried their pregnancies to term.