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Largest Deep-Sea Coral Reef Mapped Off U.S. Atlantic Coast

Stretching hundreds of miles, the reef provides habitat for diverse marine life and suggests potential for more undiscovered reefs.

  • Scientists have mapped the largest deep-sea coral reef, stretching hundreds of miles off the U.S. Atlantic coast.
  • The reef extends for about 310 miles from Florida to South Carolina and at some points reaches 68 miles wide.
  • The reef was found at depths ranging from 655 feet to 3,280 feet, where sunlight doesn't penetrate.
  • Deep coral reefs provide habitat for sharks, swordfish, sea stars, octopus, shrimp and many other kinds of fish.
  • Only about 75% of the world's ocean floor has been mapped in high-resolution, suggesting larger deep-sea reefs may be discovered in the future.
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