Koch Network Faces Backlash Over Haley Endorsement
Internal dissent grows as key figures within the organization oppose the decision to back Nikki Haley for president.
- The Koch network's endorsement of Nikki Haley for president has led to internal scrutiny and dissent within the organization.
- Chris Maidment, a former director of grassroots operations for Americans for Prosperity, was terminated after publicly opposing the endorsement.
- Many within the Koch network believe the endorsement of Haley, who has little chance of winning the GOP primary and holds views contrary to the network's advocacy efforts, could lead to attrition within the group.
- Former director of the Iowa chapter of Americans for Prosperity, Mark Lucas, endorsed Donald Trump and criticized the group for being out of step with caucusgoers in the state.
- Senator Lindsey Graham stated that the Koch endorsement likely wouldn't change any minds, as 40 percent of the Republican primary has already decided on Trump.