Kiwifruit Consumption Boosts Mood and Vitality in Days, Study Finds
The study underscores the potential benefits of consuming whole foods over supplements, with kiwifruit showing significant mood-related improvements within four days.
- Kiwifruit consumption can improve vitality and mood in as little as four days, according to a study by researchers from the University of Auckland and the University of Otago.
- The study involved an 8-week dietary intervention in 155 adults with low vitamin C, who were given either a vitamin C supplement, placebo, or two kiwifruits daily.
- Participants reported their vitality, mood, flourishing, sleep quality, sleep quantity, and physical activity using smartphone surveys.
- Kiwifruit supplementation improved vitality and mood within four days, peaking around 14-16 days, and improved flourishing from day 14.
- While vitamin C tablets showed some improvements, the study underscores the potential synergistic effects of consuming whole foods like kiwifruit.