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King Harris' Public Argument with Parents T.I. and Tiny Criticized by D.L. Hughley

Hughley suggests King disrespected his parents and sought quick fame by airing family's private business.

  • King Harris, son of rappers T.I. and Tiny, had a public argument with his parents during an Atlanta Falcons game, which escalated into a physical altercation.
  • King livestreamed the argument on Instagram, claiming he didn't grow up with a 'silver spoon' despite his parents' wealth, often staying at his grandmother's house.
  • Comedian D.L. Hughley criticized King's behavior, stating that King's claims were insulting to his parents' accomplishments and that he was disrespecting the effort they put into raising him.
  • Hughley also suggested that King was seeking quick fame by airing his family's private business.
  • King defended his actions in a series of now-deleted Instagram posts, stating he stands on business and doesn't care who you are.
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