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Jimmy Carter's Health Declines as Family Cherishes Waking Moments

Jimmy Carter's Health Declines as Family Cherishes Waking Moments
5 articles | last updated: Jun 11 16:22:04

The 99-year-old former president spends most days in a semi-cognizant state, surrounded by loved ones in his Plains, Georgia home.

Former President Jimmy Carter, now 99 years old, is experiencing a significant decline in health as he continues to receive hospice care at his home in Plains, Georgia. His grandson recently shared that the family cherishes each moment spent with him, as he is no longer awake every day during their visits. This poignant update reflects the deep emotional journey the family is navigating as they come to terms with the reality of Carter's condition.

In an interview, the grandson described his grandfather's current state as one where he is "experiencing the world as best he can." This statement underscores the uncertainty surrounding Carter's health, as family members cannot predict his level of awareness during their visits. The former president has been in hospice care for 16 months, a period marked by significant health challenges, including battles with metastatic brain cancer and liver cancer, as well as recovery from brain surgery following a fall in 2019.

Carter's health has been a topic of concern since his grandson indicated in May that the former president's life was "coming to an end." The family has received an outpouring of love and support from the public, which they have found comforting during this difficult time. The former president's wife, who passed away in November 2023, had been a constant presence in his life for 77 years, and her absence has left a profound impact on him.

The Carters have chosen to spend these final days in the home they built together in 1961, a decision that reflects their deep ties to the community and the land. Plains, a small town with a population of around 600, has been a source of support for the family throughout Carter's life. His grandson emphasized that there is "no other place in the world that he would be at peace other than Plains," highlighting the significance of this location in Carter's personal narrative.

Historically, Jimmy Carter is known for his post-presidency humanitarian work, which has included building homes for the less fortunate and teaching Sunday school. These activities have shaped his legacy as a leader committed to service and community. However, the vibrant public figure who once actively engaged with various causes has now transitioned into a more private life, largely out of the public eye since he opted for hospice care.

The family has also made arrangements for the future of their home, which they have deeded to the National Park Service. Plans are in place to transform the residence into a museum, allowing future generations to learn about the life and legacy of one of America's most enduring political figures. This decision reflects the Carters' desire to share their story, from humble beginnings in a small town to the highest office in the land and back again.

As the nation reflects on Carter's remarkable life, his grandson's insights serve as a reminder of the personal struggles faced by families caring for aging loved ones. The journey of the Carter family is not just a story of a former president but also a deeply human experience of love, loss, and the passage of time.

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