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Jewish Woman Denied Restroom Access at California Coffee Shop Amid Antisemitic Graffiti Incident

Farley's East Apologizes and Promises 'Ongoing Staff Training' After Employees Make Anti-Israel Comments

  • A Jewish woman was denied access to a restroom at Farley's East coffee shop in Oakland, California, after she complained about antisemitic graffiti in the restroom.
  • Employees at the coffee shop were recorded making anti-Israel comments and telling the woman 'Free Palestine'.
  • The woman was eventually allowed into the restroom, where she recorded graffiti equating Zionism to fascism.
  • Farley's East issued an apology on their Instagram page, stating they do not support hate speech and promising 'ongoing staff training'.
  • Discrimination attorney Andrew Lieb stated that denying entry to a restroom based on religion or race is illegal in California under the Unruh Civil Rights Act.
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