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Japan's Export Growth Slows, Trade Deficit Emerges

Decline in exports to China and global downturn risks put pressure on Japan's economy, despite increased exports to the U.S..

  • Japan's exports rose by 1.6% in October, a slower pace compared to the 4.3% increase in September.
  • Exports to China, Japan's largest trading partner, fell by 4.0% year-on-year in October, marking 11 consecutive months of decline.
  • Exports to the United States increased by 8.4% in the year to October, driven by demand for hybrid vehicles and mining and construction machinery.
  • Imports fell by 12.5% in the year to October, leading to a trade deficit of 662.5 billion yen ($4.38 billion).
  • Japan's core machinery orders, a leading indicator of capital spending, rose by 1.4% in September, and manufacturers expect core orders to rise by 0.5% in October-December.
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