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Japanese Court Allows Transgender Man's Gender Change Without Sterilization

In a landmark ruling, a Japanese court has approved a transgender man's request to change his gender on official records without undergoing sterilization surgery.

  • A court in Okayama, Japan, has granted a transgender man's petition to legally change his gender without sterilization, marking a significant legal precedent.
  • The ruling follows Japan's Supreme Court decision in October deeming the sterilization requirement for gender change unconstitutional.
  • Tacaquito Usui, the plaintiff, expressed his excitement and relief at the ruling, viewing it as the start of a new life.
  • The case highlights slow progress on LGBTQ+ rights in Japan, where societal and governmental conservatism has hindered advancements.
  • Activists continue to push for greater rights and protections in Japan, the only G7 country without legal same-sex marriage.
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