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Italy Bans Puppy Yoga Citing Animal Welfare Concerns

The Italian government has prohibited the popular 'puppy yoga' practice after investigations revealed significant stress and potential mistreatment of the animals involved.

  • Italy's Ministry of Health rules that only adult dogs can be used in animal-assisted activities, including yoga, to ensure animal welfare.
  • Investigations by Italian media and complaints from animal rights groups highlighted the mistreatment and exploitation of puppies in yoga sessions.
  • Puppy yoga, a trend where young dogs roamed freely in classes, has faced criticism for stressing the animals and possibly encouraging impulsive pet adoptions.
  • Animal rights organizations, including PETA, applaud Italy's decision, emphasizing the practice's contradiction with yoga's principle of non-harm.
  • The ban, effective from April 29, has impacted businesses and stirred debate among practitioners and animal rights advocates.
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