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India's Economy Projected to Grow at 7.3% in FY24

Driven by robust output in manufacturing and construction, India is set to remain the world's fastest-growing major economy despite a rising trade deficit.

  • India's economy is predicted to grow at 7.3% in FY24, according to the government's first advance estimates, making it the world's fastest-growing major economy.
  • The growth is driven by sustained investment growth and robust output in manufacturing, construction and certain services.
  • Government and private sector investment in fixed assets is expected to expand at over 10%, while government spending is projected to increase by 4%.
  • Despite the positive outlook, a rising trade deficit is becoming a drag on growth.
  • Some economists expect India’s full-year economic growth to range closer to the Reserve Bank of India’s forecast of 7%, as government expenditure is expected to slow down in the last quarter.
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