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Indiana Brothers Sentenced for 'Ghost Gun' Operation to Arm ISIS

The Dannon brothers, who assembled untraceable rifles from parts bought online, intended the weapons for attacks on U.S. targets.

  • Moyad Dannon, 25, and his brother Mahde Dannon have been sentenced to 16 and 20 years in federal prison respectively for attempting to provide guns to the Islamic State group.
  • The brothers plotted to deliver stolen guns and self-assembled 'ghost guns' to an undercover FBI agent, who they believed was a potential buyer intending to ship the weapons to the Middle East for use by the Islamic State group.
  • The 'ghost guns' were assembled from parts bought online, making them untraceable .223-caliber semiautomatic rifles.
  • On May 15, 2019, the brothers built five untraceable automatic .223 caliber rifles and sold them to undercover FBI agents, leading to their immediate arrest.
  • The FBI officials stated that the weapons were intended for attacks on U.S. targets.
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