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Haiti's New Cabinet Announced Amid Ongoing Gang Crisis

Haiti's New Cabinet Announced Amid Ongoing Gang Crisis
5 articles | last updated: Jun 11 21:37:13

Interim Prime Minister Garry Conille leads new government as international forces prepare to deploy.

Haiti's transitional council has appointed a new cabinet, marking a significant step in the country's ongoing struggle against rampant gang violence and political instability. The announcement, made on June 11, 2024, comes as the nation prepares for the deployment of an international police force led by Kenya, aimed at restoring order in a country where armed groups control approximately 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince.

The newly appointed interim Prime Minister, Garry Conille, a former regional director for a prominent children's organization, will also serve as the interior minister, a role critical for overseeing the national police. The cabinet includes several ministers from outside the traditional political sphere, reflecting a potential shift in governance as Haiti grapples with a series of crises, including economic hardship, food insecurity, and a cholera outbreak. The country has not held elections since 2016, and the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in 2021 further deepened the political turmoil.

The transitional council's decision to dissolve the previous cabinet, led by former Prime Minister Ariel Henry, was prompted by escalating violence from gangs that have launched coordinated attacks, including assaults on police stations and the main international airport. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, over 2,500 people were killed or injured due to gang-related violence, and more than half a million individuals have been displaced. The situation has become so dire that the United Nations has intervened, supporting the deployment of a multinational police force to help restore security.

Among the new cabinet members is Dominique Dupuy, who will serve as foreign affairs minister. Dupuy, a former member of the transitional council, resigned from her previous position due to political threats and attacks. The cabinet also includes Carlos Hercules as minister of justice and public security, and Jean Marc Berthier Antoine as defense minister. Notably, the new cabinet comprises four women, a point of contention among critics who argue that female representation in government remains inadequate. Activists have voiced concerns that the lack of women's voices in leadership roles undermines the potential for a successful transition in Haiti's governance.

The transitional council's mandate is set to expire in February 2026, by which time a new president is expected to be sworn in. However, before elections can take place, the council must establish a provisional electoral commission. The international community, particularly the United States, has emphasized the importance of free and fair elections as a pathway to restoring democracy in Haiti.

As the new government takes shape, the challenges ahead are formidable. The country has faced a series of natural disasters and ongoing political instability, which have compounded the effects of gang violence. The recent appointment of the new cabinet is seen as a critical moment for Haiti, as it seeks to navigate through its complex socio-political landscape and address the urgent needs of its citizens.

Kenyan President William Ruto has indicated that the police force, backed by the United Nations, is expected to deploy soon, with hopes of restoring peace in the beleaguered nation. "The people of Haiti are maybe waiting, by the grace of God, that probably by next week or the other week, we shall send our police officers to restore peace," he stated, highlighting the urgency of the situation.

The road ahead for Haiti is fraught with uncertainty, but the formation of a new government and the anticipated international support may provide a glimmer of hope for a country long beset by violence and instability. As the world watches, the resilience of the Haitian people will be tested once again in their quest for security and a stable future.

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