Green Party Politician Faces Backlash for Calling Olaf Scholz 'Arschloch'
Paula Piechotta's comment in a podcast about the German Chancellor has drawn widespread criticism, prompting her to issue multiple apologies.
- Paula Piechotta, a Green Party Bundestag member, referred to Chancellor Olaf Scholz as an 'Arschloch' during a podcast, citing alleged internal SPD opinions.
- The comment, made in the 'Ostgrün' podcast, criticized Scholz's European diplomacy and described him as an underperforming leader who has caused significant harm in Europe.
- Piechotta initially defended her statement as a reflection of views within the SPD but later apologized publicly, acknowledging her language was inappropriate.
- The incident has led to strong reactions from SPD officials, who condemned the remark as a violation of a recently signed Fairness Agreement for the upcoming election campaign.
- The podcast episode was edited to remove the controversial statement, but clips of the original recording continue to circulate on social media platforms.