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Global Study Highlights Extinction Risk for Deepwater Sharks and Rays

A new global study reveals that one in seven deepwater sharks and rays are on the brink of extinction, primarily due to overfishing and the liver oil trade.

  • A groundbreaking study finds that 14.1% of deep-sea sharks and rays face a high risk of extinction, with overfishing and the liver oil trade as primary threats.
  • The study emphasizes the unique vulnerability of these species due to their long lifespans, slow reproductive rates, and deep-sea habitat.
  • Regulations specific to deepwater sharks and rays, including trade and fishing restrictions, are urgently needed to prevent further endangerment.
  • Approximately 60 of the 521 species examined are currently identified as threatened, marking a significant increase from previous assessments.
  • Strategic approaches such as global depth limits and no-take areas are proposed to protect these species and maintain marine ecosystem balance.
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