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Global Deforestation Increase In 2023 Puts 2030 Halting Goals At Risk: Report Finds

Report reveals destructive activities led to loss of 6.6 million hectares of forests in 2022, with investments favoring deforestation over protection; however, some nations like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brazil show considerable progress towards halting deforestation.

  • The 2023 Forest Declaration Assessment finds that the world is 21% off track from meeting the 2030 deforestation halt goal with 6.6 million hectares of forests lost in 2022.
  • Key causes of deforestation include agriculture, cattle ranching, and the production of commodities like soy and palm oil, with both private and public financial institutions funding the activities likely to increase deforestation.
  • Over 50 countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brazil are making successful strides towards halting deforestation by 2030 due to strong laws, private sector and civil society collaboration, and support for Indigenous peoples and local communities.
  • Report's recommendations include recognizing and securing Indigenous land rights, boosting investment in forest-friendly initiatives, redirecting subsidies from forest-harming activities, and restructuring economic models to value long-term forest benefits.
  • Despite progress in certain countries, the increase in global deforestation is putting the 2030 goal at risk, thus threatening the overall climate commitments for maintaining a livable climate for humanity.
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