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Glen Powell Recants Viral Cannibal Dating Story as Urban Legend

Glen Powell Recants Viral Cannibal Dating Story as Urban Legend
13 articles | last updated: Jun 11 20:33:15

The actor admits his shocking tale was debunked and apologizes for spreading misinformation.

A recent viral story shared by a Hollywood actor about a supposed cannibalistic date has been debunked as an urban legend, leaving both the actor and his audience in disbelief. The tale, recounted during a podcast interview, involved a woman who allegedly experienced a terrifying encounter with a man who used a "black market lotion" that supposedly breaks down skin for human consumption. The actor, who had been promoting his new film, expressed regret for perpetuating what has been identified as a long-standing myth.

The actor, known for his roles in popular films, shared the story on a podcast hosted by a fitness influencer. He described how his sister's friend went on a date with a charming man who invited her back to his apartment. After feeling uneasy, she left, only to discover the next day that her skin was itching. A visit to the doctor revealed that the lotion used during the massage was intended for nefarious purposes, leading to a police investigation that supposedly uncovered multiple bodies in the man's home.

However, the story quickly drew skepticism online, prompting fact-checkers to investigate its origins. According to the fact-checking website Snopes, the narrative is a variation of an urban legend that has circulated since at least 2001, often involving themes of necrophilia or cannibalism. The tale has evolved over the years, with different iterations appearing in various forms, including email chain letters and social media posts. The actor later acknowledged the story's dubious authenticity, humorously stating on social media, "Props to my little sister's friend who told her this dating story... I've been telling this for years. I'm questioning my whole life now... False alarm. Back rubs are back."

The incident highlights the ease with which urban legends can spread, particularly in the age of social media, where sensational stories can quickly gain traction. The actor's recounting of the tale resonated with many listeners, who were both entertained and horrified by the implications of such a scenario. Yet, it also serves as a cautionary reminder of the importance of verifying information before sharing it, especially when it involves serious subjects like violence and crime.

Urban legends often reflect societal fears and anxieties, serving as modern cautionary tales. The story shared by the actor taps into deep-seated fears about dating and intimacy, particularly in a world where online dating has become increasingly common. The notion of a charming stranger harboring sinister intentions resonates with many, as it plays into the anxieties surrounding trust and safety in romantic encounters.

In the wake of the revelation, social media users expressed a mix of amusement and relief, with some sharing their own experiences of believing in similar urban legends. One user remarked, "I'm so glad 'I was told this and I thought it was true so I told everyone but it's not true and now I feel stupid' is a universal experience." This sentiment underscores a shared human experience of being misled by sensational stories, a phenomenon that transcends generations.

As the actor continues to promote his film, the incident serves as a reminder of the blurred lines between entertainment and reality. While the story may have been intended as a humorous anecdote, its impact reflects broader cultural narratives about fear, trust, and the complexities of modern dating. The actor's experience illustrates how even those in the public eye can fall prey to the allure of a good story, reminding us all to approach sensational claims with a critical eye.

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