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German MP Employed Worker Linked to Russian Intelligence

Christian Hirte, a CDU Bundestag member, confirmed hiring a staffer later found to have ties to the Russian FSB.

  • Christian Hirte, a CDU Bundestag member, employed a Russian national in 2023 who was later revealed to have connections to the FSB.
  • The staffer had previously worked for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Moscow and left Russia following its 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
  • Hirte sought a security review of the employee upon hiring, and suspicions regarding FSB ties were raised after about a year.
  • German security authorities advised Hirte to discreetly terminate the employment, which he did in late 2024.
  • Hirte stated the staffer had no access to sensitive data, did not have a key to the office, and was primarily tasked with connecting Russian opposition figures.
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