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German Doctors Accused of Misbilling Insured Treatments

Consumer watchdogs reveal hundreds of cases where patients were charged for services covered by insurance.

  • The Federal Association of Consumer Centers reported that many German doctors have been billing insured treatments as out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Patients have raised nearly 300 complaints, particularly against dermatologists, for being charged for services like cancer screenings that should be covered by insurance.
  • The misbilling often involves listing covered treatments as Individuelle Gesundheitsleistungen (IGeL), which are typically non-insured services.
  • Patients frequently experience pressure to pay due to long waiting times for appointments elsewhere, highlighting a need for better protection against such practices.
  • The Patient Representative of the Federal Government, Stefan Schwartze, emphasizes the need for transparent communication from doctors regarding which services are insurance-covered.
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