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Georgia Lawmakers Renew Push to Legalize Sports Gambling

Senate Bill 172 Faces Opposition and Requires State Constitutional Amendment for Implementation

  • Georgia lawmakers have renewed their push to legalize sports gambling, with the Senate Regulated Industries Committee voting 8-4 in favor of advancing Senate Bill 172.
  • The bill would legalize, regulate, and tax sports betting in Georgia, but it requires a state constitutional amendment to take effect.
  • Bill Cowsert, the sponsor of the proposal, argues that an amendment is necessary as when state voters approved the lottery in 1992, sports betting could only take place in a casino in Nevada.
  • Opposition to the bill comes from lawmakers who oppose all forms of gambling for moral reasons, and from those who object to voting on the bill without knowing where the amendment would channel the money.
  • There is no consensus on the best approach to secure sports betting in Georgia, with casino and horse racing provisions also being debated.
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