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Gary Glitter Ordered to Pay Over £500,000 in Damages to Abuse Victim

Gary Glitter Ordered to Pay Over £500,000 in Damages to Abuse Victim
10 articles | last updated: Jun 12 08:53:36

High Court ruling recognizes the severe impact of Glitter's abuse on the victim's life, including lost earnings and future therapy costs.

A British former pop star, notorious for his past sexual offenses, has been ordered to pay over half a million pounds in damages to a woman he abused when she was just 12 years old. The ruling, delivered by a High Court judge, underscores the severe and lasting impact of sexual abuse on victims, particularly when the perpetrator is a figure of authority and fame.

The judge awarded the victim £508,800, which includes compensation for lost earnings and future therapy costs. This decision follows the musician's conviction in 2015 for sexually abusing three young girls between 1975 and 1980. The court found that the abuse inflicted upon the claimant had "very significant adverse impact on the rest of her life," highlighting the profound psychological and emotional scars left by such traumatic experiences.

The claimant, who remains anonymous for legal reasons, had previously secured a default judgment against the musician, affirming his liability for the abuse. During the recent hearing, it was revealed that the woman has been unable to work for decades due to the trauma she endured. Her barrister described the abuse as having a "dramatic and terrible impact" on her education, career, and personal relationships, leading to feelings of shame and worthlessness.

The musician, whose real name is Paul Gadd, gained fame in the 1970s as a glam rock star but has since become synonymous with child sexual abuse. His criminal history includes a 16-year prison sentence for multiple counts of sexual offenses against minors. After serving half of his sentence, he was released in February 2023 but was recalled to prison just weeks later for breaching parole conditions, which included attempts to access illicit online content.

In her ruling, the judge emphasized the severity of the abuse, stating, "There is no doubt that the claimant was subject to sexual abuse of the most serious kind." The court heard harrowing details of how Gadd had isolated the young girl during a concert, plying her and her mother with alcohol before assaulting her. The judge noted that the abuse had led to severe psychiatric injuries that have plagued the victim throughout her life.

The legal proceedings have drawn attention not only to the individual case but also to the broader societal issues surrounding sexual abuse and the accountability of perpetrators. The victim's lawyer remarked that while no amount of money could truly compensate for the horrific experiences endured, the court's award serves to acknowledge the devastation inflicted on the victim's life.

The musician's refusal to engage with the legal process has been interpreted as a lack of remorse, a point that will be raised in future parole hearings. The Parole Board previously expressed concerns about his empathy towards victims and his unwillingness to participate in rehabilitation programs.

This case is part of a larger narrative regarding the accountability of public figures for historical sexual offenses, particularly in the wake of high-profile scandals that have emerged in recent years. The investigation that led to Gadd's initial arrest was part of a broader effort to address and prosecute sexual abuse, particularly in cases involving celebrities who exploit their status to prey on vulnerable individuals.

As society continues to grapple with the implications of such abuses, this ruling serves as a reminder of the enduring impact of trauma on victims and the importance of holding offenders accountable for their actions. The court's decision not only provides financial restitution but also reinforces the message that the voices of survivors will be heard and validated in the pursuit of justice.

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