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Gang Violence Escalates in Haiti's Capital

Fear Spreads as Gangs Raid Key Community Amid Awaited Foreign Intervention

  • Gang members have raided Solino, a key community in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, home to numerous police officers, leading to a four-day siege.
  • Residents are fearful of the violence spreading throughout the city, with gangs estimated to control up to 80% of Port-au-Prince.
  • The attack could mark a turning point for gangs, which have been suspected of killing nearly 4,000 people and kidnapping another 3,000 last year.
  • If Solino falls, gangs would have easy access to neighborhoods such as Canape Vert that have so far remained peaceful and largely safe.
  • Haiti is awaiting the deployment of a foreign armed force led by Kenya to help quell gang violence, approved by the U.N. Security Council in October, but a judge in Kenya is expected to issue a ruling on January 26 regarding an order currently blocking the deployment.
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