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French Parliament Moves to Defund Controversial National Service Program

Despite government support, the Service National Universel faces potential termination after critical votes by both legislative chambers.

  • The French National Assembly and Senate have voted in their respective finance committees to defund the Service National Universel (SNU) in the 2025 budget.
  • Critics, including members of the left and centrist parties, argue that the SNU is costly and ineffective, calling it a 'presidential gadget' that fails to meet its objectives.
  • The government, while acknowledging financial constraints, insists on continuing the SNU experiment, citing its benefits for youth engagement.
  • The program, introduced by President Macron in 2019, aimed to be generalized by 2026 but now faces significant opposition due to high costs and lack of social diversity.
  • A report by the Cour des Comptes highlighted the SNU's financial burden, estimating annual costs between 3.5 and 5 billion euros, and criticized its implementation challenges.
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