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France to Preserve Existing Embryos from Anonymous Donors Despite New Bioethics Law

The government reverses plans to destroy thousands of embryos, allowing couples to continue using them under specific conditions.

  • A 2021 bioethics law ending anonymous gamete donations in France prohibits the use of sperm and eggs from anonymous donors after March 31, 2025.
  • Initially, a decree required the destruction of thousands of embryos created with anonymous donor gametes, sparking protests from health professionals, associations, and affected couples.
  • On March 6, 2025, the Ministry of Health announced that these embryos will be preserved and can still be used by the couples who created them.
  • Couples using these embryos must sign a document acknowledging that their use may limit a child's future right to access donor identity information.
  • The decision follows significant public outcry and aims to respect prior agreements with couples while addressing ethical concerns about donor anonymity.
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