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Four Connecticut Campaign Workers Arrested for 2019 Election Fraud

Bridgeport city employee Wanda Geter-Pataky, center, works with her lawyer, John R. Gulash, right, to know which questions to answer so as not to incriminate herself during her testimony in Bridgeport Democratic Primary Mayoral candidate John Gomes' challenge of absentee ballots in Superior Court in Bridgeport, Conn., Friday, Oct. 13, 2023. Four campaign workers have been charged with mishandling absentee ballots during the 2019 Democratic mayoral primary in Connecticut’s largest city, including Geter-Pataky who is at the center of a similar controversy that occurred during the recent mayoral primary. (Brian A. Pounds/Hearst Connecticut Media via AP, Pool, File)
3 articles | last updated: Jun 11 19:44:59

Bridgeport officials and aides face charges for manipulating absentee ballots in a tightly contested mayoral primary.

Four individuals associated with a 2019 mayoral primary election in Connecticut have been arrested and charged with election fraud, a development that has reignited concerns about the integrity of the electoral process in the state. The accused include a deputy chair of the local Democratic Party, a city council member, and two campaign workers, all of whom are alleged to have manipulated absentee ballots during a closely contested election.

The charges stem from a primary race in which the incumbent mayor narrowly defeated his challenger by just 270 votes, a margin that has since been clouded by allegations of misconduct. The mayor, who was supported by the local Democratic Party, won the primary against a state senator, raising questions about the legitimacy of the absentee ballot process. In the aftermath of the election, a civil investigation was launched by the State Elections Enforcement Commission, which ultimately referred the case to criminal prosecutors after finding evidence of potential wrongdoing.

The four defendants face multiple charges, including unlawful possession of absentee ballots and witness tampering. Specific allegations include misleading voters about their eligibility to vote absentee, improperly handling ballots, and failing to maintain required distribution lists. For instance, one of the accused allegedly instructed voters on how to fill out their ballots and which candidates to select, actions that violate state election laws.

The arrests come after a lengthy investigation that began shortly after the 2019 primary. A judge had previously ruled that there was insufficient evidence to overturn the election results, despite acknowledging that some level of fraud had occurred. This ruling did not prevent the state from pursuing further legal action against those involved in the alleged misconduct.

The implications of these charges extend beyond the individuals involved. They highlight ongoing concerns about election integrity, particularly in a state that has faced scrutiny over its handling of absentee ballots in recent years. The situation is reminiscent of broader national debates about election security, especially in the wake of the contentious 2020 presidential election, where similar allegations of fraud and misconduct were raised.

In a statement regarding the arrests, the mayor expressed his commitment to upholding the integrity of the electoral process, stating, “Whether it’s people accused from the Moore campaign or my campaign — any irregularity is unacceptable.” This sentiment reflects a growing recognition among political leaders that maintaining public trust in elections is crucial for democracy.

The accused individuals have been released from custody and are scheduled to appear in court later this month. As the legal proceedings unfold, the case serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in the electoral process, particularly in a time when public confidence in elections is increasingly fragile.

The historical context of election fraud in the United States is significant, with various instances of misconduct documented throughout the nation’s electoral history. From the infamous Tammany Hall in New York City to more recent controversies, the manipulation of ballots has often led to calls for reform and greater oversight. As this case progresses, it may prompt renewed discussions about the need for stricter regulations and safeguards to protect the democratic process.

In conclusion, the arrests of these four individuals underscore the ongoing challenges faced by electoral systems in ensuring fair and transparent elections. As the legal ramifications unfold, the case will likely serve as a focal point for discussions about election integrity in Connecticut and beyond.

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