Former Dutch PM Dries van Agt and Wife Choose Duo Euthanasia
Dries van Agt, alongside his wife Eugenie, opted for simultaneous euthanasia, highlighting a rare but growing trend in the Netherlands.
- Former Dutch Prime Minister Dries van Agt and his wife, Eugenie, both 93, died by duo euthanasia in Nijmegen, marking a rare instance of simultaneous euthanasia.
- The couple, married for over 70 years, chose to end their lives together due to deteriorating health, with van Agt having never fully recovered from a 2019 brain hemorrhage.
- Duo euthanasia is part of a growing trend in the Netherlands, with 29 couples opting for assisted suicide in 2022, reflecting strict legal requirements for unbearable suffering with no prospect of relief.
- Van Agt, a conservative who advanced liberal causes including the decriminalization of cannabis, later became a pro-Palestinian activist after his political career.
- The Netherlands, where euthanasia has been legal since 2002, saw over 8,700 people die by euthanasia or assisted suicide in 2022, with strict criteria ensuring a well-considered and voluntary request.