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Former Chemistry Student Deported to China After Alleged Poisoning Attempt

Xuming Li, caught on camera injecting deadly toxins into neighbor's apartment, unlikely to face charges in the U.S..

  • Xuming Li, a former University of South Florida chemistry student, has been deported to China after being caught on camera attempting to allegedly poison his neighbor, Umar Abdullah.
  • Li was arrested in June after Abdullah captured him on surveillance video on two separate occasions crouching next to his front door and using a syringe to pump a mixture of deadly toxins into his apartment.
  • The toxins were identified as a concoction of the opioids methadone and hydrocodone.
  • Li had been in the country pursuing his doctorate in chemistry on a student visa and pleaded not guilty to several felony charges, including battery and possession of a controlled substance.
  • The entire ordeal was allegedly due to an ongoing noise dispute between the two, with Abdullah's apartment above Li's.
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