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First Confirmed Magnetar Flare Detected Outside the Milky Way

Astronomers using ESA's INTEGRAL satellite have observed a giant magnetar flare in galaxy M82, marking the first time such an event has been confirmed beyond our galaxy.

  • ESA's INTEGRAL satellite detected a brief but intense gamma-ray burst from the magnetar in the nearby galaxy M82.
  • The flare, lasting just a tenth of a second, is the first confirmed occurrence of a magnetar flare outside the Milky Way.
  • No afterglow or gravitational waves were detected, confirming the burst's origin from a magnetar, not a neutron star collision.
  • M82, a starburst galaxy, is known for rapid star formation, making it a likely place for magnetar occurrences.
  • The discovery aids in understanding how often such flares occur and how magnetars lose energy.
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