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FDA Approves Second Booster Dose for Vulnerable Populations Amid Concerns Over Waning Immunity

  • The Food and Drug Administration will authorize an additional COVID-19 booster dose for seniors and immunocompromised individuals due to worries that current vaccines are not providing durable enough protection against the virus for at-risk groups.
  • Those aged 65 and older as well as people with weakened immune systems will be eligible to receive another booster shot for free in the coming weeks.
  • The Biden administration hopes the extra dose will help curb severe outcomes and hospitalizations until new boosters tailored to COVID-19 variants become available later this year.
  • While not officially recommending the additional booster, the FDA will leave the decision up to patients and doctors based on individual risks and benefits.
  • The move comes after vaccine experts advised the administration in January to consider an interim booster plan given the unknown duration of protection from initial vaccinations.
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