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FAA Investigates Drone Incident at Ravens-Bengals Game

The drone operator, found by Maryland State Police, was unaware of restrictions and lacked a waiver to operate in stadium airspace.

  • The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating a drone that briefly delayed the Ravens-Bengals game in Baltimore on Thursday night.
  • Drones are barred from flying within 3 miles of stadiums that seat at least 30,000 people during events including National Football League and Major League Baseball games, and in the hour before they start and after they end.
  • When the drone violated the FAA's temporary flight restriction, Maryland State Police and authority officials found the operator, who was directed to immediately land the drone.
  • The operator was unaware of the restrictions and did not have a waiver to operate the drone in stadium airspace during the game.
  • Drone operators who conduct unsafe operations that endanger other aircraft or people on the ground could face fines that exceed $30,000 or have their drone operators' pilot certificates suspended or revoked.
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