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Wreckage of Jet Missing for 53 Years Discovered in Lake Champlain

Sonar image of wreckage
8 articles | last updated: Jun 12 18:34:17

The 1971 crash, which claimed five lives, has been confirmed after decades of unsuccessful searches.

Fifty-three years after a private jet mysteriously vanished over Lake Champlain, search teams have confirmed the discovery of its wreckage on the lake's floor. The aircraft, which disappeared on a snowy night in January 1971, was carrying five individuals, including two crew members and three employees of a real estate firm from Atlanta, Georgia. The jet was en route from Burlington, Vermont, to Providence, Rhode Island, when it lost contact with air traffic control shortly after takeoff.

Initial searches for the aircraft yielded no results, and the lake, which reaches depths of up to 400 feet, froze over just days after the disappearance. Over the decades, at least 17 search efforts were conducted, employing increasingly sophisticated technology, yet the wreckage remained elusive. The recent breakthrough came when an undersea search expert, who had been following the case since the 1980s, utilized sonar data to identify potential locations of the wreckage.

In May 2024, the search team, led by the expert, returned to the lake with a remotely operated vehicle. They discovered a large debris field consistent with a jet crash, located approximately three miles southwest of Burlington. The wreckage included a broken fuselage and turbine engines, matching the custom paint scheme of the missing aircraft. "With all indications, it's 99% absolutely the right plane," the search leader stated, expressing relief at finally providing answers to the families of the victims.

The discovery has brought a mix of emotions for the families of those who perished in the crash. While many are grateful for the closure that comes with knowing the fate of their loved ones, the revelation has also reopened old wounds and raised new questions. One family member described the feeling as both "peaceful" and "sad," acknowledging the complexity of emotions tied to the long-awaited discovery.

The National Transportation Safety Board is now reviewing the findings to confirm the wreckage's identity and determine the next steps for recovery. The agency has indicated that it will evaluate the specifics of the wreckage and the condition it is in before deciding on any salvage operations. Family members have expressed a desire to hold a memorial now that they know the location of the plane, marking a significant moment in their long journey of uncertainty.

Historically, the case of the missing jet reflects broader themes of loss and the enduring quest for answers in the face of tragedy. The plane's disappearance occurred during a time when air travel was becoming increasingly common, yet incidents like this one highlighted the risks involved. The families of the victims have spent decades grappling with the unknown, and the recent discovery serves as a poignant reminder of the human stories behind aviation accidents.

As the investigation continues, the families are left to navigate the emotional landscape of grief and closure, seeking to honor the memories of their loved ones while confronting the realities of what has been uncovered. The search for the missing jet has not only been a quest for physical evidence but also a journey toward understanding and healing for those left behind.

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