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Ex-L.A. Sheriff Villanueva to Testify on Alleged Deputy Gangs

The testimony comes after years of resistance, shedding light on claims of violent deputy gangs controlling the largest sheriff's department in the U.S..

  • Former Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has agreed to testify about the alleged existence of violent deputy gangs within the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
  • The department, the largest in the U.S. with over 18,000 employees, has reportedly been plagued by dozens of often-violent gangs and cliques organized by sheriff’s deputies since at least 1973.
  • These deputy gangs are said to control entire stations within the city, use excessive force on the public, lie in reports to protect one another, and influence assignments, schedules, and promotions.
  • Two recent undersheriffs, Paul Tanaka and Tim Murakami, were identified by the commission as having gang tattoos, indicating potential involvement in these deputy gangs.
  • Los Angeles taxpayers have paid an estimated $55 million for the LASD to settle excessive force lawsuits.
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