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Ex-Convict Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Reduce Sentences for Violent Offenders

The proposed legislation, backed by Democratic Washington state Rep. Tarra Simmons, aims to address long-term incarceration's impact on poor communities and communities of color.

  • Democratic Washington state Rep. Tarra Simmons, a former convicted felon, has proposed a bill that would give judges the power to reduce the sentences of violent criminals.
  • The proposed bill sets specific criteria for convicts to be eligible for a shortened sentence, such as being at least 18 years old and having served 10 years of their current sentence, or being 50 years old or older, demonstrating positive behavior while incarcerated or having a serious medical condition.
  • The proposal argues that long-term sentences disproportionately impact poor communities and communities of color and that those released under the law will encourage incarcerated individuals to engage in good behavior and to take advantage of rehabilitative programming.
  • Violent crime in Washington has risen roughly 26% since 2019, and the property crime rate in Washington was 72% higher than the national average as of 2022.
  • The bill also states that the cost savings from not incarcerating these individuals will fund the costs associated with petitions and proceedings.
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