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Ex-Colombian President’s Trial Disrupted by Accidental Explicit Video Display

A prosecutor mistakenly played unrelated videos, including explicit content, during Álvaro Uribe's bribery trial, drawing laughter in court but leaving the ex-president unfazed.

  • Prosecutor Marlene Orjuela accidentally played two unrelated videos, including an AI-enhanced explicit clip, during Álvaro Uribe's bribery trial.
  • The incident occurred during an attempt to present audio evidence of conversations linked to the case, leading to laughter in the courtroom.
  • Uribe, Colombia's president from 2002 to 2010, faces charges of bribery, witness tampering, and procedural fraud, which could result in up to 12 years in prison if convicted.
  • The explicit video and another clip of a dancing man were unrelated to the case and were mistakenly selected from a set of 57 files intended as evidence.
  • Uribe has denied all allegations, calling the charges politically motivated; the next hearing is scheduled for Tuesday.
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