Empty Shabbat Tables Displayed Globally to Symbolize Over 200 Hostages Held by Hamas in Gaza
Protest installation - empty tables set for over 200, including children - held in Tel Aviv and other global locations with an estimated 203 hostages missing after Hamas' October 7 attack.
- An installation of empty Shabbat tables were set up globally, symbolizing over 200 hostages believed to be held by Hamas in Gaza, with each table setting representing a missing person, including high chairs and children's cups for the kidnapped children.
- This peaceful protest has historical significance as setting an empty seat at the table for prisoners has been a global Jewish tradition since the 1960s.
- The project has garnered support from more than 30 organizations including the European Jewish Association, the World Jewish Congress, and the American Boy Scouts, and was originally organized by Mosaic United, the World Zionist Organization, and the European Jewish Congress.
- In addition to the empty Shabbat tables, the family and supporters of the hostages have also distributed 'Kidnapped' posters globally to keep the plight of their loved ones in the public eye.
- While reports have varied, it's estimated by the Israel Defense Forces that a minimum of 203 hostages, including almost 30 children, have been taken by Hamas militants.