Elizabeth Holmes devises redemption campaign, portrays past 'Elizabeth' persona as 'character'
- Elizabeth Holmes gave a series of interviews portraying her calmer present-day self as the real Liz, calling her past driven Theranos founder persona a 'character' she created.
- Despite being convicted of fraud, Holmes continues to express belief that her company's technology could have revolutionized healthcare with more time and less media attention.
- Holmes lives with her husband and two young children awaiting her 11-year prison sentence, which she continues attempting to delay through legal appeals.
- The NY Times published a profile depicting Holmes's present-day life in an attempt to rehabilitate her image, though the author later conceded being initially misled by Holmes's charm and charisma.
- Critics argue the profile fails to hold Holmes sufficiently accountable for defrauding investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars and portrays her in an overly sympathetic light due to her gender and socioeconomic status.