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Elected D.C. Official Fined for Double Voting in 2020 Election

Vanessa Rubio, along with five others, claimed their double voting was a mistake; two more cases are still under investigation.

  • Vanessa Rubio, an elected official from Washington, D.C., was fined $500 for voting twice in the 2020 general election, once in D.C. and once in Maryland.
  • Rubio, along with five other individuals, claimed they voted twice by mistake.
  • Rubio stated that it was 'never really stated that you are not able to vote in more than one state,' and thought the system would block one from doing so.
  • The other five individuals were fined $100 each for double voting.
  • Two other cases of double voting in the 2020 general election are still being investigated by the District of Columbia Board of Elections.
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