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Duke University Engineers Develop 'MadRadar', a System That Can Fool Automotive Radar Sensors

The technology poses a significant threat to radar security, capable of creating false perceptions without prior knowledge of the radar's settings.

  • Engineers at Duke University have developed a system called 'MadRadar' that can trick automotive radar sensors into perceiving false scenarios.
  • The technology can make a real car appear to disappear, create an illusion of a car where none exists, or make it seem as though a real car has deviated from its actual course.
  • MadRadar can achieve these feats without any prior knowledge of the specific settings of the victim's radar, posing a significant threat to radar security.
  • The researchers demonstrated that MadRadar can accurately detect a car's radar parameters in less than a quarter of a second, and then send out its own signals to fool the target's radar.
  • The team recommends that car manufacturers start randomizing a radar system's operating parameters over time and add safeguards to the processing algorithms to prevent similar attacks.
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