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DNC Seeks to Counter GOP Lawsuits Over Arizona Election Manual

The Democratic National Committee and allies join legal battle to defend Arizona's election guidelines against Republican challenges.

  • The Democratic National Committee and Arizona Democratic Party, with support from the Biden campaign, are seeking to intervene in two lawsuits challenging Arizona's election procedure manual.
  • The lawsuits, filed by GOP and conservative groups, aim to nullify or alter the manual, which guides election officials in conducting and certifying elections.
  • Republicans argue the manual undermines election integrity by limiting public access to certain records and allowing federal-only voters to vote in presidential elections without proving citizenship.
  • Democrats argue that the GOP's efforts are an attempt to interfere with Arizona's elections and undermine democracy by making it more difficult for eligible voters to cast their ballots.
  • The election procedure manual was approved by Arizona's Democratic governor and attorney general, and is designed to ensure free and fair elections in the state.
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