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Discovery of Bite Marks On 240 Million-Year-Old Fossils Shows Long-Necked Marine Reptile Was Prone to Predation

  • Fossil evidence confirms that Tanystropheus, a pre-historic marine reptile with a long neck, was decapitated by predators.
  • Tanystropheushad a neck composed of 13 elongated vertebrae and lived during the Triassic period.
  • The larger species of Tanystropheus reached up to 20 feet long, while the smaller species was around 5 feet long.
  • Predators of the larger Tanystropheus were likely other large marine reptiles, while the smaller species may have been preyed upon by various marine reptiles or predatory fish.
  • Tanystropheus was a distant relative of dinosaurs and thrived for around 10 million years across the northern hemisphere.
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